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Seabreeze update: Response to recent media coverage

Throughout the process of purchasing and working towards vacant occupancy of the Seabreeze Inne, Lady Minto Foundation has worked to balance the needs of those staying at the Seabreeze with our obligations to our funders and to the needs of the hospital itself. 

To that end, the hospital foundation has not only allowed BC Housing to lease the former Seabreeze so they could have time to find new spaces for their clients, but also extended that lease when it became clear that new spaces would not be found in time for the original lease end. Though we were under no obligation to offer these leases, and though this was not directly in the interests of the hospital nor our funders, the hospital foundation took these steps in order to ensure that everyone sheltering at the Seabreeze would have somewhere to go before we took vacant occupancy. 

As of July 2022, BC Housing has created on-island housing to replace the Seabreeze rooms. Now that each person sheltering at the Seabreeze has a place to go—and has had that place waiting for them for the better part of a year—we wish to return our focus wholly to the purpose of our foundation: supporting the hospital.


Janet Cunningham, Vice Chair
Lady Minto Hospital Foundation

Brenda McEachern, Treasurer
Lady Minto Hospital Foundation