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A thank you to our outgoing Chair, Dave Taylor

Dave with Board Treasurer Brenda McEachern signing the paperwork to acquire the Seabreeze Inne.

As Dave Taylor steps back from his role as chair of the Lady Minto Hospital Foundation board, we bid him a fond farewell. Over the last two years, Dave has guided us through unprecedented pandemic challenges and complexities, all while leading us to raise more funds than at any other time in Foundation history.

Thanks in no small part to Dave’s role on our team, we’ve gathered all but a small percentage of the capital funding for the hospital’s new Emergency Department, a goal that once seemed almost unattainable. Additionally, under Dave’s leadership we took the bold and exciting step of acquiring the Seabreeze Inne, and continue to work towards converting it into affordable workforce housing to alleviate critical staffing shortages.

We’re grateful for Dave’s unwavering leadership, and appreciate his willingness to stay on as a director with LMHF.  We wish him all the best as he enjoys his well-deserved time with family and travels to welcome his new grandchild.